Авто из Германии, авторынок в Германии
Производители сельскохозяйственной техники
A.B.S., Abel, Abeltshauser, ABG, ABG-Volvo, Abi, ABL, ABS Trenchless, Abus, Accord, ACDE, Acker, Ackermann-Fruehauf, ACP, Adcon, Adler, ADR, Adriatica, Aebi, Aeg, AEON, Aerial, AFB, Affeldt, Ag-Chem Europe B.V., Agados, Agbo, AGCO, Agiva, AGL, AGM, Agrams, Agrar, Agrator, Agreto, agrex, Agri Con, Agri Farm, Agri-Spread, Agria, Agricola Italiana, Agricom, Agricult, Agrifac, Agrifull, Agrimaster, Agrimet, Agrimont, Agrio, Agripol, AGRISEM, Agristal, Agritech, Agriterra, AGRO, AGRO-FACTORY II, AGRO-MASZ, Agro-Tom, Agrofinal, Agroland, Agromec, Agromehanika, Agrometall, Agrometer, Agronomic, Agrotec, AgroXX, Agrozet, Ahlmann, AHWI, Aichi, aircraft, Airman, Airmann, Airo, Ajce, AKB, AKC, Akdas, Aker Wirth, Akerman, Akkerman, AKO Agrartechnik, AKPIL, Al Vac, AL-KO, Alasco, Alatt, Albach, Albaret, Albatros, Alf, Alf Fahrzeugbau, Alfa Laval, Alfelder, Algema, Alho, Alima BIS, Alimak, Alko, ALL-IN-ONE, Allen Raider, Allgaier, Alliance, Allie Agrartechnik, Allison, Allround, Alltura, Allu, Allweiler, Alma, Alö, Alpego, Alpha Laval, Alpi-Meccano, Altec, Altenburger Maschinen , Altendorf, Altenwerder, ALTO, Altrad Baumann, Altura, Alzmetall, Amac, Amag, Amazone, AMB, Ambrogio, AME, American, American-Auger, Amman, Ammann, Ammann-Duomat, Ammann-Rammax, Ammann-Yanmar, Ammboss, AMR, AMV, Anaconda, Ancofer, Andi-Maschinenbau, Annaburger, Ansaldo, Anssems, AP, AP Agritechnic, APK, Apollo, APS, APV, Aqua Pro, Arato, Arbau, ARBED, ARBOS, ARCO, Arcomet, Arcotherm, Arctic Cat, Arcusin, Arden, Areco, Arja, Arminius, Armour, Arnabat, arndt, ARNEUBA, Arntjen Germany, Arrow, Arrowhead, ARS Räderbau, Artemis, Artison, Asa-Lift, Ascom, ASF, Astec, Asten-Cook, Astra, ATC, ATC-Richter, Atco, Atec, Atika, Atlantic Nötzel & Steuer, Atlas, Atlas Copco, Atlet, ATMP, ATN, Aubema, Auer, Aufenacker, Aughey, Augl, Aumund, Auramo, Auras, Ausa, Automower, Auwärter, AVA, Avant, Aveling Barford, Averling Baford, Avermann, AVM, Avola, Avon, AVR, AWA, Awila, AZO,
B.O.B.-Agrarprofi, Baarck, Baas Trima, BAB Bamps, Babbitless, Babcock, Babkok, Bächt, Backers, Backers & Gilbers, Bade, Badin, Baecht, Baertschi, BAG, Bagela, BAGRAM, Bailey, Baioni, Baka, Balbinot, Balcancer, Balfor, Balster, Bandenmarkt, Bandit, Banut, BAOS, Barber Greene, Barbieri, Barford, Bargam, Barigelli, Barmac, Baron, Barth Hollanddrain, Barthau, Barum, Baselier, Bateman, Bauder, Bauer, Baukra, Baumann, Baumax, Baumgarten, Bautz, Bavtrac, Bavtrak, Baxter, Bazzolli, BBA, BBC-York, BBG, BCC, BCMH, BCS, Beam Aligner, Beaver, Becchio & Mandrile, Becker, Becker/Kongskilde, beckm, Beckmann&Volmer, Beckmann-Volmer, Beco, Becum, Bednar, Beerepoot, Begemann, BEHA, Behr, Beilhack, Beinlich, Bejco, Beko, Belados, Belarus, Belaz, Bell, Belle, Belle Group, Bellon, Belmann, Belotti, Bema, Benalu, Benati, Benazzato, Bendini, Benford, Benfra, Benken, Benmac, Bennighoven, Benninghoven, Bento, Bentra, Benzberg, Berco, Berens, Beretta, Bergauer, Bergeaud, Berger, BERGER KRAUS, Berghaus, Bergmann, Bergmann-Borsig, Bergmeister, Berkenheger, Berkhof, Bermatingen, Bernardi, Bernholz, Berthoud, Berti, Bertoli, Bertram, Bessac, Besser, Besser-Omag, Besta, Besto, Betico, Beto, Betomax, Beyer, Beyne, BGU, BHS, bi, Bieffebi, Biegger, Bieri, Big Dutchmann, BIGAB, Bijlsma, Bil Jax, Billy Goat, BIN, Binderberger, Binger, Bisang, Biso/Schrattenecker, Bison, Bitelli, BIZON, Bizzocchi, BJD, BKT, Black Splitter, Blanchard, Blaw Knox, Bleichert, Bleinroth, Blomenröhr, Blomert, BLT-Brendecke, Blue Giant, Blum, Blumhardt, Blyss, BM, BM Maschinenbau, BM Silofabrik, BMD, BMS, BNG, Boa, Boart-Longyear, Bobcat, Bock-Ostra, Böcker, Böckmann, BODENprofi, Bofors, Bogballe, Boge, Bohak, Böhler, Bohnenkamp, Böhringer, Bohrtec,
А Балда приговаривал с укоризной: «Не гонялся бы ты, поп, за дешевизной». А.С. Пушкин. Сказка о попе и о работнике его Балде
В последние несколько лет в Украину активно ввозят так называемые «евробляхи» — автомобили на иностранной регистрации. Однако неплохой альтернативой бюджетному сегменту новых автомобилей в ценовой категории от 10 до 15 тысяч долларов стали не «убитые в хлам» машины на иностранном учёте, а пригнанные под «льготную растаможку» вполне свежие автомобили в возрасте 5-6 лет.
Действительно, после того, как с 1 августа 2016 года вступил в действие Закон № 1389-19 (бывший законопроект №3251, наделавший когда-то много шума), оказалось, что вместо покупки нового Renault Logan в автосалоне можно пригнать вполне приличный по остаточному ресурсу автомобиль более высокого класса – например, VW Golf VI или Skoda Octavia A5, выполненные
Skoda Octava A5 FL последних лет выпуска для многих украинцев стала доступным «автомобилем мечты», который стоит, как новый бюджетник вроде Renault Logan
Ведь именно такие авто и подпадают под действие таможенного оформления по льготным ставкам. Наиболее популярными стали автомобили 2012-2013 года выпуска–не такие дорогие, как совсем свежие экземпляры в возрасте 2-3 лет, но в лучшем состоянии, чем более старые машины, также подпадающие под Закон No1389-19.
Большинство пригоняемых VW/Skoda оснащено 1,6-литровым турбодизелем мощностью 105 л.с.
Предприимчивые «перегонщики» быстро раскусили потенциал таких моделей и буквально наводнили ими рынок. Как в давно забытые девяностые годы, поездка за машиной в Германию для многих жителей Украины стала регулярной обыденностью и одновременно стабильным источником дохода. Причем не самым плохим – в среднем «чистыми» на одной машине зарабатывают около 500 евро – примерно вдвое больше «средней зарплаты по больнице», то есть официального дохода среднего украинца. А ведь за месяц реально пригнать и два, и три автомобиля – были бы покупатели. Причем многие специализируются лишь на «подборе и трансфере» — то есть, не пригоняют автомобиль под клиента, а сопровождают его в Европу и осуществляют помощь в выборе машины и её таможенном оформлении.
Поставив себе задачу приобрести именно один из «хайповых» вариантов (VW Golf VI Variant или Skoda Octavia A5 Combi светлого цвета с МКП) мой коллега столкнулся с неожиданностью.
Именно такую Skoda Octavia мы искали
Как оказалось, выбранные им на немецком сайте варианты с дизельным 1,6-литровым двигателем и пробегом до 200 000 км (по понятным причинам) вместе с накладными расходами и неизбежным «интересом подборщика-пригонщика» оказываются как минимум на 1 000 долларов дороже, чем такая же точно машина, но уже пригнанная кем-то и даже поставленная на учёт! То есть, налицо парадоксальная ситуация: «здесь и сейчас» можно приобрести машину дешевле, чем даже если пригнать её самому! Разумеется, мы не могли не заинтересоваться этой загадкой и с пристрастием осмотрели несколько подходящих машин.
От теории – к практике
Первым стал Volkswagen Golf Variant 2011 года за 10 500 долларов с идеальными для нас параметрами – свежепригнанный универсал серебристого цвета с пробегом 175 000 км, 1,6-литровым турбодизелем на механике, который на фото в объявлении был еще на немецких транзитах. Позвонив владельцу, мы с удивлением услышали, что автомобиль находится на мойке буквально в 500 метрах от нас, причем самого продавца там нет, поскольку машину после пригона просто приводят в порядок – «химчистят салон». Тем лучше.
Приехав, мы начали неспешный осмотр. Гольф как Гольф: традиционно для немецких машин резина хорошая, но на индикаторах износа – то есть, её с трудом хватит на сезон. Немного смутили зазоры между капотом и крыльями, вынудив внимательно осмотреть правый угол. Так и есть: переднее крыло явно шпатлевали, на что указывают более «мягкие» грани на арке и рёбрах жесткости. Правда, в отличие от меня, потенциальный покупатель этого в упор не видел… Открыв правую переднюю дверь, мы обнаружили явно крашеную верхнюю петлю, в то время как на нижней – «родные» следы ржавчины. Да и «зерно» на серебристом металлике по правой стороне несколько отличалось от остальных кузовных элементов. Что ж, измерив кузов «на глазок», достаём толщиномер.
А глаз-то, оказывается, алмаз! Весь кузов «бьётся» в диапазоне 120-150 микрон, а правая сторона – 250-300. Более того, в дверных проёмах – и вовсе 400-500 мкм, а в заднем правом даже обнаружилась парочка здоровенных «жуков» — пузырей, скрывающих ржавчину.
Довершал картину изрядно облезший руль, явно не выглядящий на 175 000 км пробега.
Поскольку Golf позиционировался как небитый, дальнейший осмотр не имел смысла, поэтому машину даже не заводили.
Второй вариант – еще интереснее. Свежепригнанная (месяц назад) из Австрии Skoda Octavia A5 в комплектации Elegance из самых последних выпусков — «чистый 2013 год в родной краске», как выразился продавец по телефону. В объявлении – 166 000 км пробега и очень привлекательная цена в 11 350 долларов, причем владелец готов отдать своё сокровище в родной краске за 11 тысяч ровно. Не машина – мечта?
На фото Октавия выглядит практически безупречно. Да и дальнейший осмотр располагал к покупке, если бы не пара «но»…
Заявленный пробег – 166 000 км, что вполне правдоподобно для 5-летнего автомобиля из Европы. На то и расчет
Первичный осмотр автомобиля не выявил никакого явного криминала. Действительно, серебристый «Элеганс» с 1,6-литровым турбодизелем «на ручке» и в хорошей комплектации – с «деревянными» накладками и складывающимися с ключа зеркалами. Шестнадцатидюймовые легкосплавные диски на вполне живой резине Continental, чистый и аккуратный салон, сухой двигатель. Владелец был настолько любезен, что даже разрешил нам подключиться к диагностическому разъему – и никаких ошибок мы не обнаружили. Тестовая поездка показала, что Октавия с 1,6-литровым 105-сильным моторчиком, конечно, не радует паровозной тягой, как двухлитровая, но обладает достаточным запасом мощности с учетом своего рабочего объема. Ни скрипов, ни стуков – ничего такого, что бы отвергло от машины. Конечно, на кузове есть мелкие сколы и царапины, но кого они будут смущать на пятилетнем автомобиле?
Австрийский «подномерник» указывает на страну предыдущей регистрации автомобиля
На «морде» — минимум сколов и несколько небольших потёртостей
Богатая (для Шкоды) комплектация и не затёртый салон – то, что надо брать. Или не надо?
Казалось бы, вот он – идеальный вариант. Ударить по рукам сразу помешали лишь два обстоятельства – отсутствие сервисной книги и подозрительно перекрашенный руль, причем сложилось такое впечатление, что его «освежали» в кустарных условиях и чуть ли не кисточкой. Насторожило еще и то, что продавец сразу сказал, что лично он пробег не сматывал, а если это сделали до него в Европе, то вряд ли смотали больше 50 000 км, если судить по состоянию автомобиля, за которое он даёт зуб и палец на отсечение. Однако, сходу рискуя на словах комплектностью собственного организма, подтвердить правдивость показаний одометра хотя бы записями в сервисной книге он не смог, сказав, что «её не было и меня это не интересовало».
Обратите внимание на странный блеск руля и небольшие морщины на обивке сидений, которую явно снимали и натягивали заново. Рычаг коробки передач заменён
Вживую руль смотрится очень непривлекательно, словно его в спешке натёрли обувным кремом
Именно поэтому мы вежливо поблагодарили владельца и… решили воспользоваться «звонком другу» — а именно людям, имеющим доступ к глобальной сети Skoda. Таким образом, если автомобиль заезжал к «официалам» в любой точке Европы, его историю можно более или менее проследить – по крайней мере, в плане пробега, на котором он посещал СТО Skoda.
Полученная информация заставила нас присесть на стул и заплакать от смеха: в прошлом году этот серебристый универсал заезжал на сервис с пробегом… 511 000 км! Вот это джек-пот!
Отсутствие «сервиски» намекало, что одометр слегка «скрутили», но смотать с полумиллиона километров в три раза? Самое забавное, что в своей бурной и далёкой молодости за 2 месяца эта Skoda как-то наездила ни много ни мало 30 000 км(!) – как выразился наш инсайдер, «они её не глушили, наверное». Причем машина регулярно посещала «официалов» до 200 000 км, а затем пропала из их поля зрения аж до 400 000 км. И, кроме регламентных работ, никаких других ремонтов на официальном сервисе с ней не делали.
Не хотелось бы петь дифирамбы автомобилю со столь космически смотанным километражем, но ни внешне, ни по состоянию деталей интерьера эта Skoda никак не производила впечатление машины, которая съездила на Луну и почти вернулась обратно! Даже накладки на педалях, кнопки стеклоподъемников и обивка сидений выглядели весьма бодро и вполне соответствовали ожиданиям покупателя пятилетнего автомобиля с заявленным пробегом в 166 000 км. Получив такой неожиданный «моральный удар», нам даже не было интересно, сам ли перегонщик это сделал, или пробег смотали еще в Австрии какие-нибудь турки-перекупщики. В конце концов, какая разница, кто и как смотал одометр, если по факту бедная Octavia намотала на свои колёса не менее 600 000 реальных километров?
Интерьер смотрелся весьма свежо
Как вам состояние педалей автомобиля с заявленным пробегом 166 000 км и реальным – свыше полумиллиона километров?
Мораль истории стара, как мир и автобизнес – никому нельзя верить, даже если очень хочется. Теперь мы знаем, почему на украинском рынке полно привлекательных предложений по свежепригнанным машинам, низкая цена которых объясняется очень просто – это «битки» либо экземпляры со скрученным пробегом. А самое интересное во всей этой истории то, что без спасительной возможности «пробить историю по базе» Октавия была бы приобретена с вероятностью 99%…
P.S. Коллега всё же смог найти достойный вариант. Правда, бюджет пришлось увеличить до 14 тысяч долларов, за которые оказалось реально купить свежепригнанную из Венгрии экс-лизинговую Skoda Octavia A7 Combi, причём 2015 года и в хорошем техническом состоянии. При этом пришлось смириться с необходимостью делать обширное ТО с заменой привода ГРМ и большим для её возраста пробегом (210 000 км), который полностью подтверждался как документами, так и «инсайдерской» информацией. Как видите, хэппи-энд возможен, но чудес не бывает.
А насколько вы верите одометру и перекупщикам?
Всего голосов:
AUTO.RIA – Авто из Европы
AUTO.RIA – Авто из Европы — купить автомобиль из-за рубежа Транспорт:Транспорт
При поддержке крупнейших торговых онлайн-площадок для транспортных средств в Литве и Голландии.
AUTO.RIA рекомендует
Продажа б/у авто на AUTO.RIA Поиск б/у автомобиля Полезные сервисы Для бизнесаАвто под заказ
Автомобили из Европы
Авто из Европы — легковые автомобили из германии
Год выпуска: 2016
Модификация: внедорожник
Пробег: 92 000 км
Коробка передач: механическая
Объём двигателя (cm3): 1600
Цвет: белый
Машина из Германии
Цена: 473 000 ք >>> Дисконт: 5%
Год выпуска: 2017
Модификация: кроссовер
Пробег: 39 000 км
Коробка передач: автоматическая
Объём двигателя (cm3): 2000
Цвет: серебристый
Машина из Германии
Цена: 1 340 000 ք >>> Дисконт: 4%
Год выпуска: 2017
Модификация: кроссовер
Пробег: 68 000 км
Коробка передач: автоматическая
Объём двигателя (cm3): 2000
Цвет: серебристый
Машина из Германии
Цена: 611 000 ք >>> Дисконт: 7%
Год выпуска: 2016
Модификация: Легковой фургон (до 1,5 т)
Пробег: 252 000 км
Коробка передач: механическая
Объём двигателя (cm3): 2200
Цвет: белый
Машина из Германии
Цена: 790 000 ք >>> Дисконт: 6%
Год выпуска: 2015
Модификация: седан
Пробег: 113 000 км
Коробка передач: автоматическая
Объём двигателя (cm3): 2000
Цвет: черный
Машина из Германии
Цена: 770 000 ք >>> Дисконт: 4%
Год выпуска: 2015
Модификация: минивэн
Пробег: 201 000 км
Коробка передач: механическая
Объём двигателя (cm3): 1468
Цвет: черный
Машина из Германии
Цена: 792 000 ք >>> Дисконт: 5%
Год выпуска: 2017
Модификация: хэтчбек
Пробег: 43 000 км
Коробка передач: автоматическая
Объём двигателя (cm3): 998
Цвет: белый
Машина из Швейцарии
Цена: 718 000 ք >>> Дисконт: 7%
Год выпуска: 2017
Модификация: минивэн
Пробег: 142 000 км
Коробка передач: автоматическая
Объём двигателя (cm3): 2000
Цвет: белый
Машина из Германии
Цена: 977 000 ք >>> Дисконт: 4%
Год выпуска: 2013
Модификация: хетчбэк
Пробег: 119 000 км
Коробка передач: типтроник
Объём двигателя (cm3): 1400
Цвет: зеленый металлик
Машина из Германии
Цена: 590 000 ք >>> Дисконт: 2%
Год выпуска: 2013
Модификация: седан
Пробег: 155 000 км
Коробка передач: автоматическая
Объём двигателя (cm3): 1800
Цвет: красный
Машина из Германии
Цена: 290 000 ք >>> Дисконт: 3%
Год выпуска: 2011
Модификация: купе
Пробег: 60 000 км
Коробка передач: механическая
Объём двигателя (cm3): 1368
Цвет: белый (бьянко 1949)
Машина из Германии
Цена: 620 000 ք >>> Дисконт: 7%
Год выпуска: 2012
Модификация: универсал
Пробег: 187 000 км
Коробка передач: автоматическая
Объём двигателя (cm3): 1968
Цвет: белый
Машина из Германии
Цена: 355 000 ք >>> Дисконт: 5%
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В настоящее время автомобили поставляются из следующих стран Европейского Союза:
Германия, Франция, Италия, Нидерланды, Бельгия, Люксембург, Австрия, Литва, Чехия, Хорватия, Испания.
Преимущества заказа автомобиля в Европе: самым главным приоритетом является цена выбранной машины, в любом случае она будет дешевле, чем покупка на отечественном рынке. Юридическая чистота авто из Германии, это самый большой аргумент для покупки. Как проверить машину в РФ которая была в залоге — никак, в реестр это не заносится. Можно подобрать авто после каких либо повреждений. Это позволяет купить такое транспортное средство, которое удовлетворяет разнообразным требованиям и ценой.
Еще одно из преимуществ европейских транспортных средств, это обслуживание, которое происходило строго по графику, заправка качественным топливом и заменой масел.
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90000 Traveling to & from Russia by car, motorcycle or hitchhiking 90001 90002 Driving by car in Russia is a great option as you’ll save on travel costs and will be able to see the country. The petrol prices are low (€ 0.70 per liter) and the whole trip from Berlin to Moscow takes about 26 hours with the stops and border controls. The roads are very good, especially if you drive along the federal highways or through Minsk in Belarus. The infrastructure along all the routes to Russia is pretty well developed: there’s a lot of decent hotels and motels along the way (which you can pre-book online or get a room on the spot), every 15-20 km there is a petrol station opened 24 hours, lots of repair workshops and places to eat as well.The border-crossing part is the most difficult one, however, if you know a few lifehacks, you will manage to save time and money, and that’s what this article is going to help you with. 90003 90002 90003 90006 90002 90003 90002 If you happen to be traveling from one of the Baltic states, Germany, Finland or Sweden, then driving your own car to Russia may be a good option. There are many tourists traveling by car from these countries, as well as a steady flow of second-hand cars imported to Russia from Germany.All this means that the customs regulations are quite straightforward and the infrastructure on the road is good. However, this also means longer queues at some border crossing points. 90003 90002 90003 In case you do not want to deal with the border-crossing hassle, you can also rent a car in Russia — the price is about € 20 per day, which you’ll probably save comparing to how much it’s going to cost you to get your own car into and out of Russia (petrol + insurance: eg 4000km from Berlin to Moscow and back ~ 350 liters x € 1.5 ~ € 525 vs € 200 for a return flight). 90002 90003 90015 90002 90003 90018 Driving to / from Russia through Belarus by Car 90019 90002 If you do not mind getting a Belarus transit visa, we would recommend to take 90021 the fastest route to Moscow through Belarus 90022 that goes along the E30 motorway through 90021 Warsaw and Biylastok 90022 (in Poland) into 90021 Minsk 90022 (Belarus) and into 90021 Moscow 90022. That route is about 1800 km and can be driven comfortably in about 24 hours (with 30-minute stops every 2 hours).90003 90002 90003 90002 The main advantage here is not only the speed, but also the border infrastructure. For instance, if you drive through Latvia to Moscow there is only one border crossing point and it might get busy, there is no reliable live queue information, and no electronic queue booking system. When you are crossing through Belarus you get a very civilised border experience and can plan your trip very well not to get stuck in queues, especially if you are driving back from Russia to Europe.So consider investing into Belarus transit visa as it will save you time and Belarus is nice to see. 90003 90002 90003 90002 The roads are very good quality also and the highways in Belarus are better than anywhere in Europe and they are empty too, so it’s a great drive. The disadvantage is that you’d have to get a transit visa to Belarus. 90003 90002 90003 90002 90003 90042 Best Border Crossing between Poland and Belarus into Russia 90043 90002 If you decide to drive this way, you would need to choose which border crossing to use.The most popular (and the busiest one) is 90021 Terespol (Poland) — Brest (Belarus) 90022 as it is along the main motorway. It takes about an hour longer than the shortest route, but it has the electronic queue system on the Belarus side, which means you can book your spot before and know how much time you’re going to spend at the border precisely (no long queue surprises). This does not work on the Polish side (no electronic queue system), so If you arrive to Terespol on the side of Poland and the queue is too long, in about half hour (40 km) you can get to 90021 Sławatycze 90022 where you can cross to Belarus through 90021 Domachevo 90022, which is usually less busy as it’s a smaller road.90003 90002 90003 If you are driving 90021 from Belarus to Poland through Brest checkpoint 90022 you can use the 90021 electronic queue system 90022 and book the exact time of your passing through Brest. You can book your spot not later than 3 hours before the passing, so when you are driving through Minsk, stop there for a meal and simply book your spot in the queue. So when you arrive (which takes about 3 — 3.5 hours) you will be sure to wait not more than an hour. Note, that you should enter the waiting area at least 1 hour before your intended crossing and if you’re late you can not use your queue.The 90021 electronic queue 90022 costs about € 10 and can be 90021 booked online on https://belarusborder.by/. 90022 The good thing is that if you’re late you can always drive down to Dolmachevo (30 minutes) and cross there if the queue in Brest is too long. 90002 90003 90002 We recommend, however, to take one of the two smaller border crossing points: 90021 Bobrowniki (Poland) — Berestovica (Belarus) 90022 or 90021 Kuźnica (Poland) — Bruzgi (Belarus). 90022 The first one, Bobrowniki — Berestovica is the shortest path and it goes along a smaller road, so it may be less busy than others.The second one, 90021 Kuznica — Bruzgi 90022 goes along a bigger road but can get a bit busier than the first and it takes about 30 minutes longer. 90003 90002 90003 90002 Also, beware that sometimes the queues can b 90021 e quite long. So the best time to cross Polish-Belarus border is when there is the least local traffic. That means either between 14.00 and 17.00 or after 0.00 90022 in both directions. Usually locals go shopping in both directions and in the morning / evening there’s also people going for work.So 90021 the busiest times 90022 are from 8.00 to about 15.00 and from 18.00 to about 23.00. 90003 90002 90003 90002 There are sometimes people offering their «services» to get you pass the other cars in the queues for about € 30- € 50. This may work, but you’ll probably save only about half hour, so it is no really worth it and may also be risky. 90003 90002 90003 90002 In any case, please, 90021 use the websites of the both border controls 90022 to check the current queues. The Belarus one is much more convenient and mobile-friendly, but the Polish one also has some info, so you can choose the border crossing point that is least busy.90003 90002 90003 90002 90003 90002 90003 90002 90003 90042 Best Stopovers and Hotels Along the Poland — Belarus — Russia Highway 90043 90002 Our favorite route is the following (you can use it in both directions): 90003 90002 90021 Berlin — (6 hours) — Warsaw — (7-8 hours) Minsk — (4 hours) — Smolensk — (6 hours) — Moscow 90022 90003 90002 90003 90002 You can stay overnight in Warsaw and Smolensk and make a stop to eat in 90021 Minsk 90022 as they have great food there.90003 90002 90003 We also can recommend you a 90021 great hotel near Smolensk 90022, situated in a quiet natural forest area just 20 minutes outside of the center. It’s called 90021 Veranda Hotel 90022 and it has an amazing breakfast included and a great spa, where you can rest after a long drive. The rooms only cost about € 40 for a double, so it’s a great choice. 90002 90003 Near 90021 Warsaw 90022 a good option is 90021 Zloty Lin 90022 hotel, which is also located in a quiet area about 30 minutes off the main road (€ 40 a night), but you might as well want to get something in the center of Warsaw or just along the route.There’s plenty of options on Booking.Com. 90002 90003 90002 In 90021 Berlin 90022 the best area to stay is in Kreuzberg, near Hasenheide or Gorlitzer Park. 90003 90002 90003 90002 90003 90002 90018 Driving to / from Russia through Poland, Lithuania and Latvia 90019 90003 90002 The good thing about this option is that you enter Russia through the border EU border directly, so you do not need any extra transit visas. This would be the 90021 shortest route from Poland to Russia avoiding Belarus 90022 (and thus the transit visa hassle) and you would travel through 90021 Kaunas 90022 (Lithuania), 90021 Rēzekne 90022 (Latvia) entering Russia near Pskov.This is the 90021 shortest route to St. Petersburg 90022 from Western Europe (about 1750 km or 24 hours with 30-minute stops every 2 hours). If you are traveling to 90021 Moscow 90022, this routes takes about 3 hours longer than the route through Belarus, but, again, you do not need any transit visas and the route is quite nice and quiet. 90003 90002 90003 90002 90003 90002 If you are driving to St. Petersburg you would be crossing at 90021 Grebnova (Latvia) — Ubylinka (Russia) 90022.Prepare to wait about 1.5-3 hours at the border. 90003 90002 90003 90002 90003 90018 Driving to / from russia through Finland and Scandinavia 90019 90002 This would perhaps be the most picturesque route as you can drive through the beautiful nordic nature. If you are 90165 traveling from Finland 90166, 90021 Nujimaa / Bruschnishnaya 90022 control point is usually quite fast, while Valimaa / Torfjanak usually has longer queues. The border between Latvia and Russia is usually not too busy, but it depends: sometimes you can get through the border in 20 minutes, sometimes you might have to wait 2 hours.90003 90002 90003 90002 90003 90002 90003 90018 What Types of Petrol Exist in Russia and How Much It Costs? 90019 90002 The 90165 petrol and diesel 90166 is easily available in Russia and there are generally 4 types on sale: 95 ( «devyanosto pyaty» — that’s what you use for most foreign cars — unleaded), 92 ( «devyanosto vtoroi»), 80 or 76 (for old Russian cars), and diesel fuel. The 95 petrol is about $ 0.8 US / € 0.7 per liter, diesel is about $ 0.7 US / € 0.6 per liter, so it is about times less than in Europe and about the same price as in the USA.90003 90002 90003 90002 There might sometimes be problems with the 90021 quality of the fuel 90022, so it’s better to use petrol stations that have some sort of a brand name (BP, TNK, LukOIL, RossNeft are among the best ones). 90003 90002 90003 90042 Traveling to Russia by Car is Cost Effective 90043 90002 If you drive, say, from Berlin to Moscow, the whole trip will take about 1800 km and at 10 L per 100 km you’re looking at 180 liters to spend. If you get most of your petrol (let’s say, for 60% of this journey) in Russia or Belarus at € 0.7 you’d end up paying about € 0.7 x 100 + € 1.4 x 80 = € 70 + € 112 = € 182 for petrol. Add a couple of nights in the hotels along the way (€ 40 x 2 nights for a decent double) and your total will be about € 260 for a one-way trip, which is less than what you’d pay if you took a flight in most cases. 90015 90003 90195 90003 90002 To travel in Russia by car or motorcycle you need: 90003 90002 • Your 90165 personal passport 90166 with valid 90165 Russian visa 90166, original; 90003 90002 90003 • Your 90165 driving licence 90166, original.Usually a plastic card with a photocard is enough (at least for EU, US, Canadian and Australian licenses), but having an 90165 international driving permit 90166 may also be helpful in some cases, if you travel in smaller towns. The international license type you need is DP 1949. In UK you can get it at selected Post Office branches for £ 5 in just 5 minutes or by post through The Automible Association (AA); I have to say that I drive with a UK license plastic card (no international permit and no translation) and it is just fine.90002 90003 90002 • The 90165 registration document on your car 90166 (a document that proves you are the owner of the car with all the information about the owner and registration — called «techpassport» or auto-passport / STS (СТС) in Russian), original ; 90003 90002 90003 90002 • 90165 Third-party insurance 90166 valid in Russia (also called KASKO in Russia and can be purchased at petrol stations just before the border or if you want to save money and time at the local office or affilliate of a Russian insurance company (such as Ingosstrakh, Rosno, etc.), For example, in Latvia it can be bought at most Parex Bank branches). The standard price is about $ 40 for cars and $ 80 for campers and caravans (per every month of validity). 90003 90002 90165 90166 90003 90165 None 90166 90021 of these documents should be translated in Russian 90022 (except for your visa, insurance, and International driving permit that will be in Russian, anyway). Your visa does not need to have the information about your car, but it’s recommended, so when you apply for your Russian visa support, submit your car details as well.90015 90002 Fire 90165 extingiusher 90166 and the 90165 first-aid kit 90166 are mandatory. 90003 90002 90003 90002 The same set of documents is needed when you rent a car in Russia, but the renting company will provide the registration document for the car and the third-party damage insurance, so you’ll only need your driving license and your passport. 90003 90002 90003 90018 90019 If you are traveling to Russia with your own vehicle, 90165 you will get a temporary permit 90166 from the customs to be able to use the car legally in Russia.It is usually given for 10 to 30 days, but you can extend it at local customs offices. In order to 90165 extend your temporary car permit 90166, you should first have your visa registered (see more information on this topic at our Russian Visa section), and then go to one of the 90165 customs offices. 90166 90002 In 90165 Moscow 90166 the customs office where you can 90165 extend your temporary permit 90166 located at BUTOVSKI TAMOZHNIYA PUNKT at KILOMETRE 26 of the WARSHAWSKE SCHOSSE — thats outside the MKAD (Moscow ring road) by around 5 kilometres.Going out from Moscow the office is on the right hand side on the territory of a company called SOVTRANSAVTOEXPEDITIA (or something like that) There is a nice large white sign in Russian at the turning point (Thanks for this information to Dittrich, who posted it on our Talk Lounge forums). 90003 90002 In 90165 St. Petersburg 90166 it’s located at Schosse Revolutsii, # 114 (North-East). 90003 90002 90263 90003 90002 The temporary car permit can be extended for 1 year maximum, but usually it is extended for 3 to 6 months, depending on the type of your visa.It will never be extended for a longer time than your visa registration is valid. 90003 If you need assistance, the company called InterAutoCenter provides car registration services to foreigners in Moscow, they might be able to advise you on the other cities as well. 90002 If you want to do it yourself, here’s the info that Dittrich posted on our forum — according to him, the process have become much easier and is not expensive at all: 90003 90002 90270 «It took me only 1 hour and cost me 410RBL [$ 17 — WTR] for forms, duties and» services «and another 250RBL [$ 10] for photocopies.All in between GBP10 to GBP20. Strictly the duty of RBL100 (€ 1.5) has to be paid at SBERBANK but they do not have one there. If you persist then they might let you go and see someone in one of their offices who will give you a receipt for RBL100 in return for 400RBL cash. This is what we did. 90015 There is no vehicle inspection now but check the form to ensure they get the reg no and VIN no correct. They stuffed mine up. However this was not a problem at the border on the return trip because the number on the paper was the reg document no not the reg no of the vehicle.They took photocopies of the reg document and that was that. 90015 And finally, we got the certificate extending the temporary import AFTER the closing time of 5pm (5.30pm in fact). 90015 So a big thumbs up to Russian Customs on this. In 2005 I spend a whole afternoon at the customs and paid over GBP40. «90015 See 90275 90270 Dittrich’s forum post 90275 90003 90270 on this subject. 90275 90002 90270 90275 90003 90002 90003 90018 Traveling to Russia with a Camping Car 90019 90195 If you decide to travel to Russia with a camping car or a motorhome, you should be aware that there are no special facilities along the way.There are camping sites designed for truck drivers mainly, which have basic facilities (such as toilets, showers, and sometimes water) but they are far from western standard. 90015 However, it’s not impossible to travel to Russia with your own camping car. All you need to do is to stick to the main routes and look out for motel / camping site signs along the way. 90015 In terms of 90165 safety 90166, you will definitely have to look out more for your camper than if you traveled in Europe, so we recommend to leave your car only at secured sites (or at least arrange with somebody to look after your car for a fee — 100R-200R ($ 3- $ 6) per day should be enough).<90003 90195 However, it's not as dangerous as it used to be to travel in Russia with a car anymore. Nowadays criminals found other sources of income and there's lots of police along the way, which creates another problem of frequent police checks. There will be no problems though if your documents are OK.> 90003 90195 The easiest way to travel is to cross from 90165 Finland 90166 or 90165 Estonia 90166 into 90165 St. Petersburg 90166 region, which has a few well-maintained camping sites and visit St.Petersburg and Novgorod (which is an ancient and beautiful Russian town about 250 km drive away). 90003 90195 A 90165 camping 90166 near 90165 St. Petersburg 90166 is Hotel Camping Olgino, which is located 18 km from St. Petersburg on the motorway towards Finland. It received bad reviews from travelers (expensive and the staff is not friendly), but at least it’s something. The address is 18 km Primoskoe Shosse (on E18 route), and they charge about € 10 / night per car and it’s unclear whether there’s a charge per person or not, but it might be that it’s extra € 15 / person / night.Tel: +7 812 633-0205. 90003 90195 If you are traveling to 90165 Moscow 90166, there’s a camping car grounds next to Sergiev Posad and also in Moscow itself: see Sokolniki camping for motorhomes. 90003 90195 The way from Europe to Russia through 90165 Belarus 90166 is also possible. There are a few camping sites along the way (in Brest and near Minsk) run by Intourist, but they are all either hotel car parks or sub-standard sites. 90003 90195 90003 90195 If you decide to undertake a longer journey we recommend you to see the links at the bottom of this page.90003 90195 90003 90018 Russian Traffic Rules 90019 90195 The traffic rules in Russia are pretty similar to the ones in Europe. The speed limit on regional roads in Russia is 90 km / h and on some motorways (e.g. paid Moscow — St. Petersburg or Moscow — Voronezh routes) it can reach up to 130 km / h. The city speed limit is 60 km / h. 90003 90195 Note, that the 90021 city limits are usually shown with a white sign that has black letters. 90022 Sometimes you will not see the speed limit sign, but it’s implied that when you’re driving inside a city, your speed should be 60 km / h, so be careful and look out for those signs, so you know when to reduce your speed.90003 90195 90334 90003 90195 Once you see another sign that crosses the name of the city with a red line, the city is over, you can drive 90 km / h again. 90003 90195 Note, that while the speed limit is pretty low, there’s usually tolerance for about 15 km / h higher. Which means that you probably will not be fined if you drive about 105 km / h instead of 90 km / h outside of a city in Russia. 90003 90195 Another important rule you have to keep in mind is that 90021 when you want to turn left on a road crossing, 90022 you should not drive to the middle of that crossing like you would normally do in Germany or France.You should wait until the arrow of the green traffic light for the direction you want to go turns on and only then drive to that direction. 90003 90195 Finally, watch out for solid lines on the road surface — if you cross those you might lose your driving license, so be careful with your lane discipline. 90003 90195 90003 90018 The Russian Traffic Police (GIBBD) 90019 90002 The traffic police in Russia is called GIBBD (government inspection of road safety) and is notorious for its flexibility.While the traffic rules in Russia are generally the same as in Europe, you can always reach an agreement with a traffic office on the spot in case your infringement is not really serious. The fine for speeding is $ 10 US, if you cross the red lights, you’ll get your driving license taken and will have to go through the court to get them back. The cameras are installed on the major motorways and city avenues and GIBBD inspectors usually like to hide in the most unimaginable places and then jump out of the trees to stop your car and show you what that their radar detected.90003 90002 90003 90002 Also, you should not worry if you get stopped even if you think you did nothing wrong: the check-ups are regular and if your documents are OK, the inspector will take 1 minute and wish you a nice journey. In any case we recommend you to be polite when you speak to the Russian road police. Usually if they see you’re nice and you came to see the country, they’ll be very friendly and leave you alone. I had a case when I drove with an outdated insurance (that was the fault of the car leasing company and I did not check), the inspector stopped me and saw that but after a short conversation where I told him how much I liked his town and what a good time I had, he let me go saying it was not my fault anyway.90003 90195 90003 90018 Car Insurance in Russia 90019 90002 You should have a third-party insurance valid on the whole territory of Russia to be able to enter with your car. This insurance is better purchased from a reputable Russian insurance company (such as Ingosstrakh or Rosno, for example). The insurance can be purchased from 90165 the Russian insurer 90166 representative office or at the petrol stations before the border and 90165 at the border 90166 (slightly more expensive). 90003 90002 90003 The standard price is about $ 40 for cars and $ 80 for campers and caravans (per one month).90002 90369 90165 Ingosstrakh Russia: 90166 90165 Email: 90166 [email protected] (Dmitri Zmiy) 90165. Internet: 90166 http://www.ingos.ru/ 90376 90015 90003 90018 90165 90166 90019 90018 Which Navigation Apps to Use When in Russia? 90019 You may be tempted to use Google Maps as it works everywhere and in fact it does work quite well in Russia. However, you’re better off downloading Yandex Maps or Yandex Navi (it’s like the local Google but better), as it has more up-to-date info.Also, Maps.Me is great in case you go out of cellphone reach or if your roaming does not work. You can download the maps on your phone and then use them without the internet. In any case, getting a local Russian SIM card might help. 90015 90165 90166 90018 Relevant Websites 90019 90165 A story of two Americans 90166 90165 90166 who crossed the whole Russia, from Magadan (Far East) to Moscow in тисячу дев’ятсот дев’яносто шість. 90002 90165 Motorhome Monthly Magazine (UK) 90166 published an article on traveling from Poland to Russia and back in July 2005 and August 2005 issues.90003 90002 90003 90018 Relevant Forum Topics 90019 90002 90003 90195 90003 90002 90003 90195 90003 .90000 Russia restricts air travel to EU over coronavirus, leaving only select few flights open — RT Russia News 90001 90002 Russia is limiting flights to and from EU member countries, Norway and Switzerland over the COVID-19 pandemic now raging in Europe, exempting only regular flights from Moscow to their capital cities and charter evacuation trips. 90003 90002 Temporary flight restrictions will go into effect starting March 16, said the government’s center for combating the spread of the infection.90003 90002 However, regular flights to capitals of EU member nations, as well as Oslo and Geneva, will continue through Terminal F of Moscow’s Sheremetyevo international airport. Charter flights bringing Russians back to the homeland and repatriating the nationals of other countries will continue as well. 90003 Also on rt.com Europe now center of coronavirus pandemic, death toll has passed 5,000 — WHO chief 90002 The announcement comes after the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that Europe has become the new center of the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic, with more cases reported daily than at the peak of the contagion in China, where the virus reportedly originated in December last year.90003 90002 Russia has already temporarily banned entry to almost anyone coming from Italy as of Friday, as tourists who recently traveled to that country — currently the hardest-hit EU member — account for the majority of cases registered in Russia so far. 90003 90002 90013 READ MORE: Russia closes its border to Italian citizens & anyone coming from Italy, to help stop spread of Covid-19 90014 90003 90002 Moscow is the hub for much of Russia’s air and rail travel. The capital has been on high alert for a week already, putting everyone returning from travel to affected countries in 14-day self-quarantine and urging all employers in the city of over 12 million people to be on the lookout for symptoms among their workers, so they can be quarantined and the workplaces sanitized.90003 Also on rt.com Moscow declares HIGH ALERT over coronavirus threat, imposes mandatory self-quarantines & workplace health checks 90002 As of March 13, there have been over 132,000 cases of COVID-19 across 123 countries and territories, with more than 5,000 deaths. 90003 90002 90013 90022 Think your friends would be interested? Share this story! 90023 90014 90003.90000 Drivers.com: A drive across Russia 90001 90002 90003 By: 90004 Michael Shipley 90005 90002 90003 Date: 90004 Monday, 20. November 2006 90005 90010 Getting started 90011 90002 Driving across Russia was never on my list of «Things To Do.» Now, after 8,000 kilometers and 15 days by car, it’s on my list of «Things Never To Do Again.» 90005 90002 Why did two Germans, two Russians, and myself, an American, team up for such an adventure? The trip originated with a German named Helge who needed to ship family belongings to his new home in the Mongolian capital of Ulan-Bator.A friend and fellow German named Volker wanted to import equipment for his dental practice in the Siberian city of Chita. Volker also planned to purchase three German passenger cars for resale in Russia to recoup the costs of the trip. Having recently relocated to Chita, I agreed to join as a driver, along with two locals, Sergei and Oleg. 90005 90002 Helge and Volker flew to Germany in early May. There they bought and loaded their trucks, and Volker additionally purchased two used BMWs and an Audi.Sergei, Oleg, and I waited for them at thePolish / Belarus border. «What happened to you? «we asked as they rolled into sight almost one week behind schedule. Both had lost considerable weight and more than one night’s sleep. «You will not believe it, «Volker said.» We had to repeatedly unload and reload each truck at border crossings. Officials even fined us for taking too long to fix a broken wheel. «United at last, we set out across Russia. 90005 90010 The roads 90011 90002 My greatest surprise was that the trans-continental highway is not a highway at all, but a narrow, two-lane road.Opposing traffic is separated by nothing but an occasional painted line down the center, with paved shoulders a rare luxury. Kamaz trucks, horse-drawn carts, motorcycles, passenger cars, and bicycles all compete for space. Daydreaming was impossible when passing a string of 18-wheelers while ascending a curving mountain road. Half-way through the first day I lost count of the near misses. By the second day I gazed with only mild interest at the numerous roadside grave markers.90005 90002 Potholes the size of washbasins turned otherwise smooth roads into jarring obstacle courses. Livestock were rarely fenced in, forcing us to slow for cows, horses, goats, pigs, and the proverbial chickens crossing the road. Potholes and passing were not the only hazards of the highway; about 1,000 kilometers were unpaved, with the longest stretches running from Tyumen to Novosibirsk, and from Sayansk to Irkutsk. Drivers can avoid some sections by detouring through Kazakhstan.However, we bristled at the thought of more border checks with their endless delays and Kafkaesque bureaucracies, defiantly opting for the «rough rider «route. 90005 90002 As a result, we hauled the cars over roads layered with jagged rocks as large as tennis balls. The noise of stone against steel frequently punctuated (and twice punctured) our sense of well-being. The convoy collectively suffered three cracked oil pans, a leaking gas tank, a broken windshield, and two flat tires.Even mud took a turn at halting our progress. One of our 5-ton trucks bogged down on a particularly mucky 12% grade. Luckily, a tractor driver from a nearby work crew agreed to pull it free. Only one brief ten-kilometer stretch east of Angarsk met Western quality highway standards. Replete with streetlights, center divider, and flawlessly smooth asphalt, we savored the few minutes of driving pleasure. 90005 90010 Highway bandits 90011 90002 We had heard stories about the danger of such a drive.»Bandits will rob you and slash your tires, «we were advised.» Some people, «one acquaintance warned,» have simply disappeared along with their cars. «Identifying highway bandits was an art in itself. Generally, any imported car carrying men with short haircuts and no female passengers was suspect. In fact, we were followed only twice, and each time without incident. All of our vehicles carried German plates-probably a protection. We theorized that bandits preferred to prey upon Russian nationals, whom the local militias felt little obligation to protect.Nevertheless, we were always cautious, avoiding conversations with strangers and sleeping in secluded wooded areas at night. 90005 90010 The GAI (Government Automobile Inspectors) 90011 90002 GAI-Russia’s loose equivalent to the Highway Patrol-had checkpoints flanking virtually every town and village through which we passed. After the officers ‘ initial disbelief at our multi-national caravan, they sometimes asked to change money, or for advice about their own imported cars at home.One particularly creative GAI squadron earned pocket money by triggering warning lights at a railroad crossing for long minutes, then issuing fines to any drivers bold enough-or bored enough-to finally proceed. Ostensibly commissioned to maintain law and order, the GAI were more of a nuisance than a force for justice. 90005 90010 End of the road 90011 90002 Our trip took 15 days, in part because our convoy included two heavily-laden trucks; passenger cars, however, can cover the same distance in half the time.If you are planning such a journey you might consider the following suggestions: 1) always travel in a group; 2) display foreign license plates; 3) detour through Kazakhstan to bypass bad roads; 4) carry a full complement of tools and spare parts; 5) pack plenty of food, water, and extra benzene canisters for long stretches between towns; 6) sleep in your car near GAI stations or in secluded areas off the main highway. (Fast food and motels have not made it out to Siberia yet.) Although the scenery in spring and summer is fantastic, this is not a relaxing tour. On the other hand, a drive across Russia may be a great experience for anyone with a little extra time and a sense of adventure. 90005 90002 90003 Read two more articles about the author’s adventures driving in Russia. 90040 A golden highway, and 90040 American meets Kalashnikov. 90004 90005 90010 Further comments to this article have been disabled. 90011 90046 90002 Showing 90003 1 — 38 90004 comments 90005 90002 90052 90003 Charles 90004, 90005 90002 Can you imagine traviling this route by yourself from the US? A car, a person? 90005 90002 How do you cross from the US? From where? 90005 90002 90052 90003 Emily 90004, 90005 90002 thanks for sharing your tips I was thinking about driving from Chile to Canada aproximately 8000 kms and was wondering how much time that would be, and your story gave me an Ideaa thank you! 90005 90002 90052 90003 Alex 90004, 90005 90002 Ross — the furthest east you can drive in Russia is Magadan, and even then you have to drive on the «road of bones», which is only properly accessible in winter, when the rivers are frozen.As for getting across the Bering Strait, you might be able to get a ship from Anchorage to Magadan, but good luck with that! Also, your chevy is going to be sooo ruined lol 90005 90002 90052 90003 Kolli 90004, 90005 90002 Hello Ross 90005 90002 Let me know if you have planned for the Trip, FL to Ireland. I’m interested to join! You can email me at [email protected] 90005 90002 Kolli 90005 90002 90052 90003 maksam 90004, 90005 90002 i am reading at the time when i already started my journy with 6 car on auto transporter truck, just got in poland border and in Belarus border they ask me about * Permit to drive * paper which i didnot had it they trun me around and gave me 3 hrs to be back to poland.right now i am scared looking for a driver who can compay me from poland to Bishkek Kyrgyzistan my email address is [email protected] tks 90005 90002 90052 90003 Ross 90004, 90005 90002 Hi, im thinking about buying a chevrolet camaro in Orlando in Florida, then driving it to Armagh in Northern Ireland !!!!! 90040 This means driving it through the USA, Canada, Alaska, getting a ferry from Alaska to Russia, driving through Russia (very northeast tip to very west tip), through Belarus, Poland, Germany, France, getting a ferry from France to Ireland (Roscoff to Cork) and finally driving through Ireland to Armagh.This is a journey of over 15,500 miles !!!! However, i cant find directions through northeast part of Russia or northwest part of Alaska. Do these parts have roads and can i drive through them ???? Also, is there a ferry between Alaska and Russia … if not how would i get a car from Alaska to Russia? 90040 Please help me !!! i cant buy the car until i figure out a route !!! 90005 90002 90052 90003 Miraj 90004, 90005 90002 hi !! 90040 I am living in Finland originated from Bangladesh.As so many personnels in this conversation are more or less experienced in traveling long distance by car. 90040 I am planning to make a travel by following the route Finland-Russia-China-India-Bangladesh. 90040 If somebody can say if it is possible or any valuable suggestions … 90005 90002 Thank you … 90005 90002 90052 90003 Paul 90004, 90005 90002 I am from Laos, and living in the US. I would love to drive a car from France to Laos someday but I do not know if that is even possible.Any suggestions? Thanks! 90005 90002 90052 90003 theAMAZINGcool 90004, 90005 90002 theAMAZINGcool has made a GLORIOUS RETURN !!! 90005 90002 90052 90003 john evans 90004, 90005 90002 Read ‘The Linger Longer: Driving the Trans Siberian’. Great book by two brothers who drove across Russian and Siberia in an old banger. Fantastic adventure. very funny. 90005 90002 90052 90003 new mexican 90004, 90005 90002 where would i begin if i wanted to make this drive for someone, as in the case in the article to where someone needed services as a driver? 90005 90002 90052 90003 rojo 90004, 90005 90002 thers seem to be lot of interest in driving through alaska and the nto russia.I know ther eis no ferry. 90040 theres is something called bering airways 90040 which flies charter flights from alska to one of the bigger towns in far eastern russia 90005 90002 but with sufficent money and sufficient will we might just be able to pull this off 90005 90002 90052 90003 admin 90004, 90005 90002 by all accounts we can find, there isno ferry service between Alaska and Russia. In fact there is very little by way of roads on either side.90005 90002 90052 90003 Alam 90004, 90005 90002 Dear 90040 Nice to read about you. Can you please advise to go Russia from Canada by car through Alaska. I mean how can we cross the see between alaska and russia. Is there any ferry service. 90005 90002 With Thanks 90040 Alam 90005 90002 90052 90003 Ekrem 90004, 90005 90002 This is really amazing. I’m from Turkey and i live in the US New York.i really want to go to Turkey with my car. But i do not know how can i do that? is there any ferry service or something like that in Alaska? 90005 90002 90052 90003 [email protected]. 90004, 90005 90002 You do not say anything about a carnet de passage — Is is necessary for Russia? 90040 and how did you get a transit visa for more than ten days? and what about insurance? you dont ‘say anything about the procedures at the belorus border.please clarify 90005 90002 90052 90003 Runone 90004, 90005 90002 I guess what surprises me is the simplicity of some postings. I plan to drive (from darkest) Africa across (big bad) Russia to (glorybe) Alaska. Hey what about actually checking out the net rather than just seeking advice and answers to silly questions? 90005 90002 I drove from London to Kazakhstan last summer and it was a breeze with the onlu delays being borded crossingss and you can bribe your way tothe front of the queue is you want to for USD50.90005 90002 I encountered no dangers apart from a different driving culture — all the way the people were super friendly and helful. 90005 90002 Yes, the cops are happy to take ‘commissions’ = get used to it; it is no great expense — a few dollars that you can have fun negotiating — not many western places where you can have fun with the cops. 90005 90002 If you are going to do a trans Russian trip then search the web — you’ll finds tons of info and may even end up sleping in a brothel, like I did, for want of anywhere else to bed down.90005 90002 90052 90003 don 90004, 90005 90002 Paul, from what I’ve heard traveling across Russia is quite an adventure and not without real risks. The Europe part should be very pleasant but the Russia part will be a real challenge. Heard that hospitality form Russians is great though. 90005 90002 90052 90003 Paul 90004, 90005 90002 I’m thinking of either Cycling / Hitchhiking or a combination of the two to Vladivostok from London 90040 from August.90005 90002 Probably a crazy idea, but wonder if anyone’s done it? 90005 90002 90052 90003 Jon by_jc 90004, 90005 90002 I was thinking of driving from St Louis, MO (USA), up to Alaska, across Russia and into Europe. Final destination was Bristol, Great Britain …. 90005 90002 So, what’s chances … ??? 90005 90002 90052 90003 Admin 90004, 90005 90002 John, look forward to your accounts of your trip to Russia.We’re really curious about driving conditions there now, especially for foreigners. 90005 90002 90052 90003 john 90004, 90005 90002 Hi All, 90005 90002 Plan a trip from london to South Russia this summer (last week of JunE) have flown by plane (too boring) these last 4 years (married to a russian) will give you all the run down. 90005 90002 90052 90003 wiki 90004, 90005 90002 I am interested in driving from Russia to Alaska.Is the Bering Strait still in existence? Thx. 90005 90002 90052 90003 DK 90004, 90005 90002 From what I hear, driving in Russia is tricky difficult. First, if you do not speak Russian it’s difficult to get around and there are not as many facilities (gas stations, restaurants etc.) in rural areas as in Europe or North America. If you are a stranger and do not fit in there is a good chance you will be stopped by police and there may be difficulty.You need and International Driving Permit and you need to get it from an official source, not someplace that just prints one up for you. 90005 90002 There are some web sites that offer help and guidance for those not used to Russian traffic or roads. unclepasha.com/ moscow_to_st-petersburg.htm might be good to try them. Also here’s an intersting chat site waytorussia.net/ TalkLounge / 90005 90002 90052 90003 dave 90004, 90005 90002 i have a idea of traveling by way of motorbike to about 400 miles east of moscow for a trip to see a special girl, does any1 know what i will need and if you think it is possible…. i am very eager to do this and would really appreciate ANY feedback at all, (i am most concerned about Not being let across borders of different counrties) I am starting in london And ill be thru france and then the most direct route to moscow. Thank you to any1 who can give me an info dave 90005 90002 90052 90003 Boudecca 90004, 90005 90002 Debarrio, 90005 90002 How long did your trip take? Any caveats? 90005 90002 90052 90003 Debarrio 90004, 90005 90002 Drove from London to Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) in an old battered Lada this summer and apart from a 200 km stretch between Kansk and Irkutsk the roads are pretty much ok.Even though it is pothole galore out there, a 4×4 is definately not required. Perhaps this become a different matter when driving to (or through) other parts of Siberia. My impression was that the Russians are improving their road system on a massive scale, so in a few years time there will probably be a highway from Moscow to Vladivostok. So, go now! 90005 90002 90052 90003 Faith 90004, 90005 90002 Who cares. 90040 you just basically wasted your time writting this.90040 retard. 90005 90002 90052 90003 Keith 90004, 90005 90002 Im thinking of driving from Dubai to Alaska (home) in a Jeep wrangler. Any suggestions on a route? 90005 90002 90052 90003 mikael 90004, 90005 90002 Hi an excellent story and full of usefull advice for the woodbe traveler to Russia. My question is this. I live in the UK and wish to take my own vehicle to St Petersburg, how will I achieve this harich — Gotenbourg Drive to Stockholm ferry to Helsinky them ferry to Riga and drive the rest of the way or is it possible to go a more direct route IE UK ferry to St Petersburg.any advice would be welcome, the intention of going there is to buy old metal toilet cisterns bring them back clean and polish them for re sale 90040 regards 90040 my email is [email protected] 90005 90002 90052 90003 katie 90004, 90005 90002 Does anyone know links to find out more on the roads in russia. my friend and i want to bike through russia. 90005 90002 thanks 90005 90002 90052 90003 Dave 90004, 90005 90002 Great stuff.I have heard the roads have improved a hell of a lot since this article was written (it’s dated from 2000) 90005 90002 90052 90003 Admin 90004, 90005 90002 Mike, we’ll see what we can find on this 90005 90002 90052 90003 Mike 90004, 90005 90002 I am planning a trip from to drive through Africa, then europe, Russia, china, then to travel up the mekong river, then back to europe and through Africa East coast) to get home.I have little info regarding how far North I can drive in Siberia, is it possible to reach Peverk etc by car during summer. Any idea as to what the roads are like up there … Any information will be greatly appreciated 90005 90002 90052 90003 James Brooks 90004, 90005 90002 Hi Michael! I read about a stretch of highway near Irkutsk (quite possibly the one you mention near Angarsk) known locally as ‘Eisenhower’s Highway’ because Khrushchev upgraded it (in anticipation) after Ike had expressed a wish to visit Lake Baikal.If memory serves, the visit did not come to pass but the roadworks did, and the locals are apparently grateful to the US President to this day. 90005 90002 90052 90003 Admin 90004, 90005 90002 Here’s some suggested reading for your trip. 90040 siberia.eclipse.co.uk/ 90005 90002 90052 90003 erick 90004, 90005 90002 i wana drive from alaska through russia to africa does anyone know any information if there is a ferry service from alaska to russia and how is russian driving are there any roads there from the far east russia anyone please let me know wingdc9 @ hotmail.com 90005 90002 90052 90003 Pat 90004, 90005 90002 Sounds amazing. And great advice. 90005 90046 .90000 Travel and transportation during the coronavirus pandemic 90001 90002 The coronavirus outbreak is a serious threat to public health. Lockdowns and other coordinated restrictive measures are necessary to save lives. However, these measures may also severely slow down our economies and can delay the deliveries of critical goods and services. The European Commission has taken measures to ensure continued and uninterrupted land, waterborne and air cargo services. These services are of crucial importance for the functioning of the EU’s internal market and its effective response to the current public health crisis.90003 90004 Safely resuming travel 90005 90002 On 13 May, the European Commission presented guidelines and recommendations to help Member States gradually lift travel restrictions, with all the necessary safety and precautionary means in place. Measures intended to enable citizens to travel again after months of confinement include, but are not limited to: 90003 90002 90009 Re-open EU — new web platform to help travellers and tourists 90010 90003 90002 On 15 June, the European Commission launched ‘Re-open EU’, a web platform that contains essential information allowing a safe relaunch of free movement and tourism across Europe.To help people confidently plan their travels and holidays during the summer and beyond, the platform will provide real-time information on borders, available means of transport, travel restrictions, public health and safety measures such as on physical distancing or wearing of facemasks, as well as other practical information for travellers. 90003 90002 Re-open EU will act as a key point of reference for anyone travelling in the EU as it centralises up-to-date information from the Commission and the Member States in one place.It will allow people to browse country-specific information for each EU Member State through an interactive map, offering updates on applicable national measures as well as practical advice for visitors in the country. Available in the 24 official EU languages, the platform is easily accessible on desktop and mobile by following and bookmarking the Re-open EU link: 90003 90002 90017 90003 90002 Re-open EU 90003 90002 90009 Safely restoring freedom of movement and lifting internal border controls 90010 90003 90002 The Commission proposed on 13 May a phased and coordinated approach for restoring freedom of movement and lifting internal border controls within the EU.With the health situation now improving in the EU, 90009 the Commission recommended on 11 June that Member States remove such restrictions by 15 June 2020. 90010 90003 90002 90009 Restoring transport services across the EU 90010 90003 90002 The guidelines represent general principles for the safe and gradual restoration of passenger transportation by air, rail, road and waterways. They also contain practical recommendations on, for example, limiting contacts between passengers and transport workers, and the passengers themselves, and on the use of personal protective equipment while travelling.Dedicated recommendations are given for each mode of transport. 90003 90002 90009 Safely resuming tourism services 90010 90003 90002 The Commission set out a common framework which provides criteria for a safe and gradual restoration of tourism activities and the development of health protocols for hotels and other forms of accommodation, to protect the health of both guests and employees. These criteria include epidemiological evidence; sufficient health system capacity being in place for local people and tourists; robust surveillance and monitoring, testing capacity and contact tracing.90003 90002 90009 Ensuring cross-border interoperability of tracing apps 90010 90003 90002 On 13 May, the EU Member States, supported by the Commission, agreed on a protocol to ensure cross-border interoperability of voluntary contact tracing apps, so that citizens can be warned of a potential infection with coronavirus when they travel in the EU. 90003 90002 90009 Making vouchers more attractive for customers 90010 90003 90002 Under EU rules, travellers have the right to choose between vouchers or cash reimbursement for cancelled transport tickets (plane, train, bus / coach and ferries) or package travel.While reaffirming this right, the Commission recommendation aims to ensure that vouchers become a viable and more attractive alternative to reimbursement for cancelled trips in the context of the current pandemic, which has also put heavy financial strains on travel operators. 90003 90002 Factsheet: Travel and tourism in Europe: practical guidance for travelers and companies 90003 90002 Questions and answers: Tourism and transport package 90003 90002 Press release 90003 90004 Travel advice and Border measures 90005 90002 Travel advice is a national competence and you should check if your national authority, e.g. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has issued an official travel warning concerning your planned destination. Travel advice is continuously updated as the situation evolves. 90003 90002 90064 90003 90002 Overview of national measures by country 90003 90068 90069 90070 90071 90072 90002 90009 You could not find the right information and still have a query? 90010 90003 90002 The 90009 Europe Direct Contact Centre 90010 answers questions from the public about the European Union via phone or email.The staff includes native speakers of all the EU’s 24 official languages. 90003 90081 90082 90083 90084 90004 Temporary non-essential travel restrictions 90005 90002 To contain the spreading of the virus, on 16 March, the Commission invited Member States to apply a coordinated restriction on non-essential travel from third countries into the EU, for an initial period of 30 days, subsequently extending it twice until 15 June . 90003 90002 90009 On 11 June 2020 року, the Commission invited Member States to prolong the temporary restriction on non-essential travel into the EU until 30 June 2020 and set out an approach to progressively lift the restriction afterwards.90010 90003 90002 The travel restriction, as well as the invitation to prolong it until 30 June, applies to all Schengen Member States (including Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, and Romania) and the 4 Schengen Associated States (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland) — 30 countries in total. All these countries implement it through national law. 90003 90002 After 30 June, the restriction should be lifted for countries selected together by Member States, based on a set of principles and objective criteria including the health situation, the ability to apply containment measures during travel, and reciprocity considerations, taking into account data from relevant sources such as ECDC and WHO.90003 90002 The Commission also recommends to lift travel restrictions for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia as of 1 July, given that their epidemiological situation is similar or better than that of the EU. 90003 90002 Travel to and from the EU during the pandemic 90003 90002 Based on the criteria and conditions set out in the Council recommendation, as from 1 July Member States should start lifting the travel restrictions at the external borders for residents of the following third countries: 90003 90103 90104 Algeria 90105 90104 Australia 90105 90104 Canada 90105 90104 Georgia 90105 90104 Japan 90105 90104 Montenegro 90105 90104 Morocco 90105 90104 New Zealand 90105 90104 Rwanda 90105 90104 Serbia 90105 90104 South Korea 90105 90104 Thailand 90105 90104 Tunisia 90105 90104 Uruguay 90105 90132 90103 90104 China, subject to confirmation of reciprocity 90105 90132 90002 Residents of Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican should be considered as EU residents for the purpose of this recommendation.90003 90002 For countries where travel restrictions continue to apply, the following categories of people should be exempted from the restrictions: 90003 90103 90104 EU citizens and their family members 90105 90104 long-term EU residents and their family members 90105 90104 travellers with an essential function or need, as listed in the Recommendation. 90105 90132 90002 Council Recommendation on the temporary restriction on non-essential travel into the EU and the possible lifting of such restriction: https: // data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-9208-2020-INIT/en/pdf 90003 .